Our Social Media Marketing Playbook

Let's have a look at how our organisation can bring you the best solutions.



Nothing’s better than the charming old Facebook where millions still go



The world is loving visual content more than ever & ig is what they choose



Why not target over 600 million professionals with just one shot?



YouTube is the new king! let’s not underestimate what video content can do



Nothing’s better than the charming old Facebook where millions still go



The world is loving visual content more than ever & ig is what they choose



Why not target over 600 million professionals with just one shot?



YouTube is the new king! let’s not underestimate what video content can do



you thought twitter can’t get you business? let’s tell you how it can



When you captivate with visuals and value, there’s no chance of no sales

Social Media Adwords

Social Mmedia Adwords

let the hybrid of adwords and social media get you leads and sales


B2B lead generation

Want to know our b2b lead generation tactics? let us implement them for you.



you thought twitter can’t get you business? let’s tell you how it can



When you captivate with visuals and value, there’s no chance of no sales

Social Media Adwords

Social Media Adwords

let the hybrid of adwords and social media get you leads and sales


B2B lead generation

Want to know our b2b lead generation tactics? let us implement them for you.

Why Choose US

The reason is simple. You need more brand awareness and wish to drive sales with the help of your social media pages. For this, you need to utilise every platform possible, with the best tactics that focus solely on getting results from that particular platform. There’s money and effort to be invested in all this and you don’t want to give that to any amateur who can’t get you a better return on investment.

As a social media marketing agency in Delhi, India, we have been practising and making all that you want possible for many businesses. Be it Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, social media AdWords, Twitter, YouTube or generating B2B leads from social media, we have done all and know the ins and outs of everything related to social media. That’s what makes us different from all those other agencies out there. Our dedicated team of social media marketing including expert copywriters, graphic designers, and SEO specialists make sure your business gets the growth on social media that it deserves.

In the bargain with our expertise, you also get affordable services that don’t pinch your pockets but eventually fill them with gold. If you are still not convinced why you need to choose us, go and check out our social media agency website to know how we have helped many other small businesses climb the ladder of success with us. Or better, grab your phone, give us a call, and we’ll give you all answers to whatever questions you may have.

Get Started Now

Your Brand. Your Story. Our Effort. Our Creativity. Ready?

Let’s get creative and hustle together, to help your brand bloom

Our Clients

The awesome people who found us worthy.

Best Social Media Marketing agency in Delhi

Creating your own website is not just enough for any business to succeed. Advertising is also important. To promote any business, the companies need help from a social media marketing agency, like Creative Codec, which is one of the famous social media agency in Delhi. 

Why you need a Social Media agency

Social media discussion isn’t longer seen as a web 2.0 fad — it takes place in houses, small businesses as well as the corporate boardrooms, and extends its reach to non-profit, health care and education sectors. Digital platforms, on a massive scale, bring people together in ways that allow the information sharing and thus reduce the opportunities for market exploitation — either by charging more than that for a competing supplier for some of the identical goods and services or through charging any for goods that simply do not work.

Social media marketing agencies make use of a plethora of technologies for promoting your business. Their services help your brand establish on different digital channels like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, and similar sites.

Social Media Marketing involves sharing posts and creating pages to make your presence in business. Promote your services and products on different social media platforms.

Promoting your business with the help of different social media marketing strategy is in trend these days. Hence most of the businesses out there look to build a social media marketing team. This in turn helps the companies to promote their business in the digital manner.

If you want to be the expert in this field of advertising then digital marketing is the best option. It gives you an opportunity to various individuals to improve their skills, abilities and strategies to become a professional agency.

What Makes a good Social Media Agency?

Business promotion isn’t that easy as it is difficult to get organic traffic on your website. This is the part of the Social Media Marketing Agency. They provide services that help the companies bring inbound traffic to your business. They help to boost business with various other services.

They help one another to audit your website and challenge your online business strategy. They identify and analyse and provide you with a highly successful strategy for joining more people in our business. Creative Codec a social media marketing agency handles your social media existence and supports your online content in order to reach maximum people.

A good social media marketing agency in Delhi will be great at the following points.

  • Ranking:

It is the first and the easiest step whenever you select any social media optimization company. Hence, before finalising any agency check its ranking online.  You can look for the best agency online and also go through the social media agency website.

  • Experience

Looking for agency’s experience in this field is of utmost importance. Check whether the agency has been established for a long time or is a newly established one. There are several social media company in India. You need to read reviews about the company and its service and do due diligence. Check what social media tactics are used by the company.

  • Results

Social media is largely the quickest and easiest way to help direct traffic to the company’s website. By simply putting their website URL in their profile, the company could have all its visitors check out one’s website as well as a percentage of traffic is sure to be converted over time. However, your social media profiles will need exposure for that. This is possible only when an experienced company like Creative Codec, helps you establish your presence online.

In a nutshell

Creative Codec is one of the leading social media marketing agency in Delhi. Our team assures online advertising solutions for the clients. The company provides the entrepreneurs convenience of popular online advertising tools.

Need our services? Get going! Drop a mail or call us to see your social media presence growing in a matter of days.

Facebook marketing

Facebook Marketing


Facebook marketing


A champion of the social media industry, Facebook has been reigning since decades now. While you may say its organic reach has fallen, there are still many other ways you can take advantage of the millions of population spending their time on the platform. Let us elaborate on how we as a social media agency work-around with Facebook and gain from it for our clients growing business.

We make most out of your business page and make sure it shows off the personality of your brand. Well known for capturing leads with Facebook ads, our social media marketing agency knows the ins and outs thoroughly and never lets any of your money spent on these ads go to waste. We also take advantage of Facebook contests, promoted posts, and sponsored stories. All these help us create better relationships with the target customer and get you the results you desire.

Instagram marketing

Instagram Marketing


Instagram Marketing


IG or Instagram is a great tool if you wish to inspire your audience, humanise your content, showcase products or hire new talent. Over 50% of active users use the site daily and they don’t just visit but they engage with all their time. Nothing is better than Instagram to grow your brand awareness. But only if you know how to crack this tough nut. Because so many people now realise the potential of Instagram for their business success, that the competition has grown fierce, and only those who know the tactics well and can remain consistent can stand out.

That’s where we come into the picture for you. As a fast-growing social media marketing agency in Delhi, we have been helping all kinds of businesses – small or large – raise their company’s potential and get results with Instagram. When you choose us for your Instagram marketing, everything from creating and optimising your Instagram account, to strategizing and analysing is in our hands.


LinkedIn Marketing


LinkedIn Marketing


Did you know over 600 million professionals all over the world use LinkedIn? That’s the market you can aim for when we choose LinkedIn marketing for your growth. It involves a lot of steps though. Refining your LinkedIn profile regularly, creating a top-notch page for your company, and defining your audience and your goals. You also need to optimise your page for search and grow your followers by putting out engaging content on the page.

Use of rich media in the form of images or videos works great on LinkedIn. Yet, content in the form of text is what is supreme. Once you have published good content you need to highlight it and lastly, there has to be a focus on LinkedIn advertising which has the capability to provide you Herculean results. For all this, we as a social media agency, are always there by your side.


YouTube Marketing


YouTube Marketing


There’s no doubt whether you should be marketing on YouTube or not. YouTube and video to be specific is a hit now. People prefer it more than any other form of content. Plus, YouTube has millions of users that come to engage with it regularly. You can never be wrong with marketing on YouTube because after all, it’s the 2nd most used search engine after Google. And if you are still considering, allow us to tell you that only about 9% of small businesses are using it for marketing. That’s the best of all benefits you can get.

But why is everyone not doing it? Because it’s not easy. Putting out video form content regularly and then monetising YouTube is not easy. That’s why we are here to help you out. Our social media company in India has a dedicated team for YouTube marketing that sees to it that all your efforts reap benefits and make you money.

Twitter Marketing

Twitter Marketing


Twitter Marketing


What do we do while marketing on Twitter? The foremost step is to research your buyer personas and identify a target audience. Next, we create unique, interactive, and engaging content that people admire and find value from. We then organise all our content and schedule it to post beforehand, so as to always be able to gain benefits from Twitter’s algorithm. Finally, we do regular analysis on the impact and the result our posts get from your brand. Because that is what will ultimately bring you leads and conversions, right?

Those are just the basics though. A great social media agency like ours also focuses on other underrated aspects of Twitter like hosting Twitter chats, advertising on Twitter, using Twitter moments, getting verified on Twitter, all the while focusing on growing the follower count. All this requires consistency and dedication. That’s the reason why you need experts like us to do Twitter marketing for your brand.


Pinterest Marketing


Pinterest Marketing


Pinterest is a free and quite versatile marketing tool that companies are using nowadays. People usually use the platform to explore and share ideas in the form of visual content that entertains, informs, or inspires. Let us simplify how we use Pinterest to help you. First, we distribute your content, then make a community around it of people who like you, love the theme and the topics the brand covers. With our content, we then educate the customers of what value they can gain from your brand and finally drive traffic to the website and empower your business with more sales.

A lot of underlying strategies are used to make sure Pinterest proves fruitful to your brand. These include the most common of all – leveraging keywords and analysis. As a social media agency growing to help you grow with us, we know a lot of such tactics from our experience that we use to boost your brand’s presence online.

Social Media Adwords

Social Media Adwords


Social Media Adwords


When you can’t choose between PPC and social media for your marketing, it’s best to combine them and get results from what we call Social media Adwords. The major step here is to gather as much information as possible beforehand. Be it competitors analysis, finding the right audience, tracking your ROI etc.

We can send sponsored PPC clicks to your social media pages. That way you can drive more followers and more social media shares as well. To add to that, the hybrid of social media and Adwords can help you in remarketing as well.

Many social media agencies do not have much clarity about this subject, that’s because only skills and experience can teach you all that. At Creative Codec, we have been honing our skills for years before we began serving clients like you, that’s the reason why we can get results for you.

B2B lead generation

B2B lead generation


B2B lead generation


Want to know the best social media marketing strategy that can help with B2B lead generation? As a social media optimization company, we have been working on that since years now. It all boils down to us knowing the answers to two questions before we get you the results you have been dreaming of. The first question is about what is the potential impact. And the other one is about calculating the potential cost of making this impact.

Once there are answers, we can use tactics like retargeting non-converting visitors with offers, driving traffic to webinars, activating niche influencers in the form of brand ambassadors and many more. If you wish to make use of these secret tactics we know for your business, let us know. As a social media marketing agency with the ambition to reach on top, we will help you grow to take you with us.

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