6 Reasons your Business needs SEO


Almost three decades ago, no one thought that phonebooks and yellow-pages would almost become extinct. Technology has now only made everything only a click away. Say you need supplies for your business. You’re most likely to google suppliers near you and click on one of the few first page results.

And it isn’t just you, it is all of us! Whether we’re looking for the opening hours of a restaurant or the fees of a dry cleaning service nearby, we use the Internet for virtually everything.

While you search for suppliers, your potential customers are searching for products like yours. Search engines employ algorithms to display the most relevant results. And businesses have tried to make their websites in a way so that they are favored by these algorithms.

This process is now called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). And we’re sure you have heard about SEO more than just a few times while establishing an online presence for your business. The term ‘SEO’ came up way back in the ’90s when it was restricted to keywords. But now, SEO has become a long process, which may require investments.

If you’re a business thinking of investing in SEO, here’s why an efficient SEO strategy can turn out to be the best investment you have made this year.

1.It works and it’s here to stay!

We do need to make it clear: SEO isn’t just a term that digital marketers overuse. It is an investment that could help your business as it has done for many others. SEO is what helps your website stay on the first page, build credibility and most of all, stay relevant. Although your business website may not see overnight growth, SEO helps you grow your traffic slowly and gradually.

Almost every business today tries to effectively employ SEO, and its time you do too. Because as long as search engines and algorithms exist, SEO will exist too.

2 Increases website traffic through Google

With a market share of more than 90% as of July 2019, Google is the king when it comes to search engines. Statistics show that over 63,000 Google searches are made every second. This amounts to a total of 6 billion searches in a day.

Back when Google was launched, its search algorithm was fairly simple and stuffing search keywords were enough to land your pages on one of the top spots. But with the Google search algorithm continually evolving to display more relevant search results, SEO has become very business’s necessity.  If Google finds your website relevant, Yahoo, Baidu, Bing, and DuckDuckGo will mostly find them relevant too.

And Search Engine traffic is easily the biggest source of traffic for any website. And studies also show that customers usually click on the top 3 search results and ignore the rest. SEO helps you rank higher and reach more people.

3. Gives your Business Organic Growth

Surveys have shown that customers and users ignore their ad results and go on to open the organic search results. This is another reason your business should use SEO as potential customers are more likely to open top organic results.

According to BrightEdge, Organic traffic alone contributes to 51% of all website traffic. If you want organic growth, SEO is the way to go.

4. Builds brand visibility and awareness

Hundreds of thousands of newer websites are created every day, which means that hundreds are being launched every minute. Some calculations even put that estimate to around 380 new websites per minute. Amidst this competition, having a website with great content and design isn’t enough if your website doesn’t show up in Google search results on the first page. This only means that your website will be buried among thousands and millions of others.

Your potential customers may have no idea about your firm until they hear it somewhere. And, we know that having a great website with SEO ensures that your brand registers in the mind of your potential customers.

5. Offers Long-Lasting Results And A Better ROI

If you have optimized your website content for various search engines, you’re more likely to bring in traffic for a longer period. It takes months to perfect the SEO and the results come slowly and gradually. Your website won’t blow up overnight but start to attract customers in slowly.

If you have an efficient SEO plan in place, you’re likely to get a better return on investment for what amount you have spent. And with almost over 40% of revenue coming from organic traffic and 18% of local smartphone searches leading to a purchase within a day, it isn’t any surprise.

SEO has also been shown to be much more efficient than paid searches while also costing significantly lesser.

6.Stay on top of the competition

Almost all businesses have an SEO strategy! Your competitors are sure to have one too. This makes getting the top spot on search results hard work. Your SEO process doesn’t end once you reach the top. Your business has to put in work to maintain the rank. Google, for example, a variety of ranking factors for its search results.

Another great way for your website to rank at the top would be to use SEO. This is because users are more likely to search for local results.

With the Google algorithm continually evolving, it has become imperative for a business to have an SEO plan in place.

If you think your business needs SEO, or you are still not convinced about SEO, feel free to contact us. And even if you think that your SEO strategy needs an upgrade, contact us because times are rapidly changing and so is the Google Search Algorithm!

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